Sharing of tea water泡茶水的分享









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发表于 2024-10-22 11:50:08 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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古人用雪水泡茶的主要原因是因为雪水具有纯净、清冽、甘甜的特点,这些特点使得雪水成为泡茶的理想选择。雪水被古人视为“‌天泉”,具有‌清热解毒的功效,能够增加茶汤的香味,提升茶的口感和品质。《本草纲目》中认为雪有清热解毒的功效。明代屠隆在《茶笺》中将雪归为天泉,认为雪水甘甜煮茶可以增加茶汤的香味。The main reason why ancient people used snow water to brew tea is because snow water has the characteristics of purity, clarity, and sweetness, which make it an ideal choice for brewing tea. Snow water was regarded as a "heavenly spring" by ancient people, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, increasing the aroma of tea soup, and improving the taste and quality of tea.According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, snow has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. During the Ming Dynasty, Tu Long referred to snow as a heavenly spring in his book "Cha Jian", believing that the sweetness of snow water can enhance the aroma of tea when brewed.
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现代人很少用雪水泡茶,主要是因为大气污染严重,下雪时如果不能保证百分之百的洁净,污染物就会残留在雪层里面,对身体造成一定的伤害。此外,现代人生活节奏快,很难静下心来享受这种古老的饮茶方式。Modern people rarely use snow water to make tea, mainly because of severe air pollution. If 100% cleanliness cannot be guaranteed during snowfall, pollutants will remain in the snow layer, causing certain harm to the body. In addition, modern people have a fast pace of life and find it difficult to calm down and enjoy this ancient way of drinking tea.+ h/ K3 O7 ]2 T$ v: Q4 q

$ Q3 P5 S) C3 ^3 ^8 J1 y山泉水泡茶对人体的好处有:1、山泉水中含有较多的偏硅酸、钙、镁这些元素,能促进骨骼和牙齿的生长发育,有利于骨骼钙化,防治骨质疏松。2、有助于改善心脑血管的健康,山泉水中的硅对预防主动脉硬化有一定的作用。3、山泉水中含有的锂元素和溴元素,对中枢神经系统活动有调节作用,具有安定情绪和镇静作用。4、长期饮用山泉水还可以补充人体所需的微量元素,对于增强机体免疫功能,延缓衰老有一定的帮助。以上这些是用山泉水泡茶对人体的好处,但是要注意的是,一定要先将山泉水煮开再泡茶,防止山泉水中带有细菌,饮用会影响身体健康。
: v  Z; j' m, n5 o  A; ZThe benefits of brewing tea with mountain spring water for the human body include: 1. Mountain spring water contains a high amount of elements such as silicic acid, calcium, and magnesium, which can promote the growth and development of bones and teeth, promote bone calcification, and prevent osteoporosis. 2. It helps to improve the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and the silicon in mountain spring water has a certain effect on preventing aortic sclerosis. 3. The lithium and bromine elements contained in mountain spring water have a regulatory effect on the activity of the central nervous system, and have a calming and calming effect on emotions. 4. Long term consumption of mountain spring water can also supplement the trace elements needed by the human body, which is helpful in enhancing immune function and delaying aging. The above are the benefits of brewing tea with mountain spring water for the human body, but it should be noted that the mountain spring water must be boiled before brewing tea to prevent bacteria from being present in the mountain spring water, which can affect health if consumed.
# S$ O8 c3 n: P: C5 M2 b  f$ V0 r% c6 g3 Z# b
 矿泉水vs纯净水泡茶* M/ ~9 j9 z! O. X. v9 z! g
Mineral water vs purified water for brewing tea
, ~8 y9 g  M% ]+ I. d0 C& w- B1 W1 |: X+ ?
) P, \/ t" e% \When brewing tea, the taste of purified water and mineral water may differ. Purified water, due to its absence of impurities and odors, can fully reflect the original aroma of tea leaves. The minerals contained in mineral water will react chemically with the components in tea leaves, making the taste of the tea more rich.6 s+ A4 l" B% y9 c

" j4 t4 Q% i% y& |* g井水泡茶" \& P3 O, b! e! R( r7 u8 J
Brewing tea with well water
+ H% ^" }* c. _0 E1 w5 a) D! ^
: d$ q* ]: g1 s0 }6 n' O如果水质较好,硬度适中,甘甜,经过适当处理,也能泡出不错的茶。
3 ~0 ^- N" z( N9 Q3 w# C6 XIf the water quality is good, the hardness is moderate, and it is sweet, after appropriate treatment, good tea can also be brewed.
. N' q5 H! }7 J) v2 b; Q1 t) P) _* S) B/ f' T# S5 ?9 t/ J
不同的茶配不同的水,才能激发茶叶中更多的营养物质        Different teas paired with different water can stimulate more nutrients in tea leaves


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现金: $16125

名声: 17

称号: 平民

发表于 2024-10-22 14:41:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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